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/ PC-SIG: World of Games / PC-SIG World of Games (CDRM1080710) (1993).iso / 1523

Text (8)
NameFormat# LinesSizeDate
AFB.TXT Text File 92 4KB 1989-01-16
AFBSCORE Text File 17 130b 1992-10-02
FILE1523.TXT Text File 53 4KB 1990-10-17
GO.BAT DOS Batch File 5 38b 1989-07-14
GO.TXT Text File 13 925b 1989-10-21
OTH.PAS Pascal/Delphi Source File 1,591 55KB 1980-01-01
OTH.TXT Text File 13 1KB 1980-01-01
README2.BAT DOS Batch File 69 2KB 1990-10-07

Other Files (3)
A_CURSE2.EXE MS-DOS/Windows Executable 67KB 1990-10-07
AFB.EXE MS-DOS/Windows Executable 68KB 1988-04-08
OTH.EXE MS-DOS/Windows Executable 22KB 1980-01-01